3 Quotes from Kamala Harris' Victory Speech to Motivate the hell Out of You!
Yesterday, November 7, 2020 the world celebrated. After much anticipation and anxiety waiting for the results of the 2020 presidential election, the world finally let out a collective sigh of relief. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won the race. It felt like a weight had been lifted off of this country's shoulders.
Now I like President elect Joe Biden, but our new VP made history last night. Not only is she the first woman to be nominated for Vice President of the United States of America but also the very first person of color. I cried in the parking lot of a goodwill y'all.
This is such a monumentous moment not only for the people of this country but every little girl of color, here and across the world.
I will never forget the day of former President, Barack Obama's inauguration. It was the first and only time I had seen my father cry. At the time I was 13 and didn't understand why. Later that night I thought about everything I had learned about what it meant to be black in America up until that point and it hit me. A black man, the first black man, had been elected as the leader of the free world. I felt that I could accomplish anything.
And now here in 2020 after a very, very trying year (to say the least) I have that feeling all over again. A woman. A black woman. VP elect Kamala Harris. To see someone who looks like me in such a powerful position just fills me with so much joy.
Now I know this isn't a cure all for the problems we have here in this country, but it damn sure is a start. Here are 3 quotes from Madam VPs victory speech last night that will light a fire under your butt.
"While I may be the first woman in this office, I will not be the last, because every little girl watching tonight sees that this is a country of possibilities."
This is the one y'all. Seeing someone who looks like you is so powerful. I dont think we truly understand just how much representation matters until you take a step back and realize that none of the people you idolize or look up to represent you. Just like how Black Panther made us see ourselves as superheroes, so does Madam Vice President.
"America’s democracy is not guaranteed. It is only as strong as our willingness to fight for it, to guard it and never take it for granted."
I know it is hard for black people to feel accepted or wanted in this country. It is so difficult to try and stand up for a country that is constantly trying to keep us down. But I stand up for my ancestors, whose back this country is built on. I stand up for my heritage which was created in this country and the people who fought and died for my freedoms and continually fight the good fight. I will not let their efforts be in vain. This country is my country as well as anyone else who dares to dream and fight for something greater and better.
"Regardless of your gender, our country has sent you a clear message: dream with ambition, lead with conviction, and see yourselves in a way that others may not, simply because they’ve never seen it before."
Whew. It's the gender equality for me y'all. This quote is so motivating because not only is it inclusive to people no matter their gender, but it tells us to go for our dreams and pursue them no matter what obstacles we may face. As a young pansexual, lower middle class black woman I have a few things going against me. But I will never let those things define my success. Just because people aren't used to seeing a person like me reach and surpass my goals and shatter glass ceilings doesn't mean it cant and wont be done.
We still have so much work to do. This was just the beginning, and we have so much further to go. But what an amazing start on our path to victory.
Madam Vice President, Kamala Harris thank you for bringing joy to this black girl and I can't wait to see the magic you spread in the white house and across this country.
God Bless America.